Call for submissions

globepasrondLe monde n’est pas rond, the international artistic newspaper on migration, borders, and human rights, is launching a call for submissions for Issue 2.

Deadline: 21st July, for publication in September.

Languages: English, French, German, or Luxembourgish.
Due to the high percentage of submissions in English, we particularly encourage material in any of the other three languages.

Material already published elsewhere, online or in print, can be submitted, but the fresher the material, the more likely it will be chosen. We recommend having a read of Issue 1, to get a clear idea of our style, and to support our project!

What we’re looking for:

articles & essays

Alternative journalism, literary or sociopolitical essays. 1,500 words max. Feel free to provide any accompanying photographs or illustrations (obviously with the express permission of their authors).

short stories

1,500 words max. Feel free to provide any accompanying visuals (obviously with the express permission of their authors).

artistic photographs

We prefer photograph series to individual photos. Don’t forget to provide captions and/or an explanatory note. Colour or black-and-white. Maximum size 180 mm (W) x 260 mm (H). Send as .jpg file @ resolution of 300 dpi.

art & illustration

Paintings, drawings, comics, cartoons, vignettes, photographs of sculptures, etc. Infographics and maps are also encouraged. Colour or black-and-white. Maximum size 180 mm (W) x 260 mm (H). Send as .jpg file @ resolution of 300 dpi.


Any style, no minimum length, flexible maximum of 50 lines. The shorter the poem, the more it attracts the eye and the better it travels. Haiku are very welcome. Send up to three poems for us to choose from. Please stick to the general themes of migration, borders & human rights. If you have a poem translated into more than one of the four languages listed above, please send all versions for us to choose from (with the express permission of the translators). Feel free to provide any accompanying photograph or illustration (again, with the express permission of their authors).

book / film / cd reviews

Up to 100 words on any recent or classic book, film or music cd related to migration, borders, and/or human rights.

Extracts of published material are featured from time to time on our blog. Please note that, due to printing constraints, and according to editorial and linguistic balance, acceptance of a submission does not guarantee its publication in Issue 2, and it may be kept for future issues. Likewise, if a submission cannot be printed in its entirety, we will gladly publish the rest on our blog.

Send your submissions (preferably in attachment) together with a 50-word bionote, or any queries, to:

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Antoine Cassar
editor of Le monde n’est pas rond